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How To Make A Pet Insurance Claim

If you have a pet insurance policy and your pet needs medical treatment, you’ll be able to make a pet insurance claim to help cover the cost. Making a pet insurance claim can be simple as long as you have all the necessary documents to hand. In this guide, we’ll outline how to make a pet insurance claim, what you need to make a claim and what to do if your pet insurance claim gets rejected.

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What can I make a pet insurance claim for?

This will vary depending on the type of policy you took out but most policies allow you to make a pet insurance claim for:

  • Vet fees if your pet becomes ill or has an accident
  • Death by accident or illness
  • Missing pets through theft or straying
  • Third-party liability (dogs only)
  • Emergency treatment for your pet when you’re abroad
  • Boarding fees if you're hospitalised

When should I make a pet insurance claim?

When it comes to making a pet insurance claim, you need to do it as soon as possible. Some insurance providers set a time limit on making claims, for example, within 90 days of paying the vet fees for medical treatment. The sooner you make a claim, the quicker your insurance provider can pay out.

How do I make a claim?

Either call your insurance provider to let them know that you want to claim or visit their website and see if you can make a claim online. Your insurance provider will then either send you a claims form in the post or you’ll be able to download one to fill out online. When filling out the claims form, there may also be a section on there that your vet will need to fill out. Gather all relevant documents and necessary evidence, such as invoices from the vets and send the paperwork and claims form to your insurer.

What do I need to make a claim?

This depends on what you’re claiming for but you’ll always need to provide a completed claims form and any appropriate documents. For example, if you’re claiming for death by accident or illness, you’ll need to provide a death certificate or if you’re claiming back vet fees, you’ll need to provide an invoice for the treatment. You’ll be able to request the necessary documents from your vet. Your insurance provider will be able to provide you with a list of all the required documents needed for the particular claim you’re making.

Cat in cone

Will my premium go up if I make a claim?

Your pet insurance costs will more than likely increase if you make a claim because some insurance providers will think there’s a higher chance of you needing to make another. It’s important to remember that when applying for a new policy, your pet’s health history will be taken into account. So you may be quoted a higher price than you expected.

Is the money paid directly to me?

The money is normally paid directly to the policyholder but in some instances, the insurer will pay the vet. If your pet has already received medical treatment, you may have to pay your vet upfront first and claim back the cost. Your insurance provider will be able to let you know how they’re going to pay out.

How long will it take for my claim to be dealt with?

Many insurance providers will make a decision within five days of receiving your claims form. They’ll either approve your claim, reject it or ask you to provide further supporting evidence.

Don’t forget about the excess!

When you make a pet insurance claim, you’ll have to pay towards the cost, this is known as the excess. The exact amount you need to pay will be detailed in your policy and it will vary depending on the type of claim you’re making.

What do I do if my pet claim gets rejected?

If your claim has been rejected, the first thing to do is contact your insurer and find out exactly why they won’t pay out. If you still believe your claim should have been approved, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, who will look into your claim for you.

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