How does personal accident insurance work?
Like most insurance policies, you pay a monthly premium to your insurance provider and if you make a claim, your beneficiaries will either be paid a lump sum or monthly payments to supplement missed income.
What personal accidents are covered?
What personal accidents are not covered?
Do I need personal accident insurance?
Whilst personal accident insurance isn’t a necessity, you might want to consider taking out a policy if you work in an environment where serious accidents are likely to occur. Also, if you’re self-employed, personal accident insurance would cover you against loss of earnings if you’re unable to work as a result of a serious accident or injury.
Compare personal accident insurance providers
Review Score
Basic cover quote*
Comprehensive cover quote**
Comprehensive cancer cover***
Levels of cover available****
Review Score
Basic cover quote*
Comprehensive cover quote**
Comprehensive cancer cover***
Levels of cover available****
Review Score
Basic cover quote*
Comprehensive cover quote**
Comprehensive cancer cover***
Levels of cover available****
**This shows how many different levels of cover you can choose from.
***This shows whether the provider includes cancer cover as standard on all health insurance policies.
****This shows how many different levels of cover you can choose from.